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ToggleWhat is arthritis ?
Arthritis is a disease that has been affecting the lives of millions of people in some way or the other. Joint a worsening is a result of a disease known as arthritis also called joint inflammation. Modern medical practice places it in the category of incurable diseases. Arthritis means inflammation of joints and reduce movement in joints.
Arthritis means redness and swelling (inflammation) of a joint. A joint area of bones. This is a disease which affects the health of people of all ages and genders and fills their lives with immense suffering. This disease is found in both men and women this can occur any major joint part like hip joint etc. in the body, but it is often seen that women are more affected by this disease than men.
In arthritis, joint pain or joint disease along with swelling in the joints and connective tissues of the body, their activity also gets limited. Generally, it is considered a lifelong disease. If proper treatment and care is not taken, it not only causes damage to the affected joints but there is a possibility of damage to the internal organs as well. Gradually the bones become weak and it becomes difficult for the affected person to even walk.
In arthritis, almost all the small joints of the entire body are affected. They first grow displeased and swelling. progressively. The pain increases and starts turning into deformities of the joints. In the advanced stage, the joints of the fingers become deformed and their activities become extremely limited. When the X-ray of the affected joint is seen, its deformity is clearly visible. Women are generally seen to be more affected by this.
Types of Arthritis
1. Rheumatoid Arthritis
2. Osteo-Arthritis
3. Rheumatism Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Arthritis is an inflammation found in the knees. This causes pain and swelling in the knees. There is difficulty in walking or bending the knees. Climbing and descending stairs sometimes becomes difficult. When the legs are bent in an extended state, sometimes a ‘kat-kat’ like sound is heard. In the chronic stage, the knees become crooked and the legs start becoming arched.
Osteo-Arthritis is a disease that causes joint pain like hip and knee pain. This disease increases with age when it is found in people aged 40 years or more. It is found in those people who are overweight. This disease is more common in women as compared to men. There is a normal joint between two bones in our body, it is called cartilage. Cartilage helps in normal movement of bones at two bone joint place.
Rheumatism Arthritis
Rheumatism Arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body is immune system. It should of protecting the body from attacking bacteria and viruses attack the Synovium, which is the lining of membrane that surrounds the joint. This causes inflammation, resulting in swelling and pain in and around the joy the inflammation thicker the synovium, which can eventually destroy cartilage and the bone within in the joint rheumatism also is usually affect our joints of fingers and feet elbows, knees and ankles. The Joint effect is usually symmetrical that is one side is affected. Other side also get affected.
Its main symptoms are: –
- Acute pain, swelling and redness in joint
- Decrease range of motion joints
- Feeling mild fever
- Bad smelling sweat
- Feeling weak and disabled
- Heaviness in joints Inability to walk
- Crackling sound in joints
- Persistent constipation
- Major Risk factors for arthritis
Increasing age the main risk factor of arthritis.
Obesity people who are obese have High risk of occurrences due to heavy body weight. Male and female both genders have found arthritis but women have more chances to get arthritis problems. Joint injury may be the reason for arthritis while accidents or in sports damage of the knee.
Modern medicine has not been able to find any definite cause of arthritis till now, but if seen from the point of view of naturopathy and yoga, there are other causes. Like diseases, the cause of arthritis is also disregard for the laws of nature, as a result of which foreign matter gets accumulated in the body and weakens the functioning of various institutions of the body.
Wrong eating habits, wrong lifestyle and wrong thinking can be considered as one of the main causes of arthritis. Other reasons include obesity, accidental injury to the joint and excessive use of acidic food and non- vegetarian food. Many times, arthritis has also been seen to be genetic.
Hydrotherapy used for pain reduction. How it can help to reduce pain Chronic pain condition, back pain, Arthritis. Hydrotherapy, how does it work? In hydrotherapy, the water is warm which helps in increasing blood flow in the muscles and allows joint and relax it also ease the pain slowly buoyancy practice reduce the pressure in the joints allowing to reduce pain. This is slowly improving range of motion and strength. In fact, it is too difficult to do out of water.
Stretching tries at home, sit as it comfortable on sofa, bed or chair. Slowly-slowly straighten up the knee, slowly, pulling the toes up to the face and feeling the in the tight thigh hold this position, for 10 to 20 seconds and gently written and relax the leg. Start practising another leg same process, hold for 10 to 20 seconds. Do this exercise for 5 to 6 raps. That is easy exercise to do any time at home. One more exercise that cross the both leg over them and slowly straighten stretching the toes towards face. Hold this position for 10 to 20 seconds and repeat this exercise for 5 to 6 raps.
Massage Knee by hand start, gliding up and down all roundyour knee slowly-slowly this helps to warm, relaxing in your knee and keep yourfoot in front of knee relax your leg do it for 3 to 5 minutes repetition of 3 to 4 raps. Squeezing roll your finger hand slowly. Pressing in front of the knee rest slowly on knees area.
Acupuncture is an early way to manage treatment of arthritis. In acupuncture procedure of needs fine nidle fresh nidles pressure, parts of bodies that helps relaxation parts of the body and increase the blood flow circulation.
Surgery decision made by the surgeon doctor for operation and doctor know much time it will delay. Cartilage layer is protective layer of joint place. Arthritis of damage of cartilage. Redness shows the damage of cartilage. muscle loose their strength and become loose more damage.
Self-care at home by exercise daily.
Yoga Theraphy
Various activities of yoga like Shatkarma, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra and meditation etc. have a definite effect on arthritis. Regular practice of these in the primary stage increases the activity of joints affected by arthritis and improves them flexibility comes but it is necessary that yoga exercises should be trained for some time under the guidance of a qualified yoga practitioner.
The following exercises are beneficial for the treatment of arthritis:-
Shatkarma: Kunjal, Jalneti, Shankhaprakshalan
Asanas: Shavasana, Tadasana, Pawanmuktasana, Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Naukasana, Gomukhasana, Spinal Conduction
All joint exercises Micro exercises: Exercises related to joints. Naukasana Pranayam: Anulom Vilom (Nadi Shodhan), Suryabhedi, Bhastrika.
Meditation: Subtle and in-depth observation of various parts of the body to take full advantage of the practice of Yoga, it is necessary that the practitioner practices restraint in his life. Restraint is necessary in all areas of life. Restraint in eating and drinking, restraint in sleeping and waking up, restraint in conduct and thoughts, restraint in lust, anger, greed, attachment etc. is supreme. How much should the patient eat? When to eat? What to eat? How much gold is it? When to wake up? How much rest and how much work is required? There should be balance.
Natural remedies (Naturopathy)
If natural remedies are used under the guidance of a skilled naturopath, they provide considerable benefits. These help in removing disorders from the body and increase the activity of various organs. The treatment program of a typical patient with rheumatoid arthritis can be made as follows: –
Morning: Slow walking, yoga practice, pranayam, joint exercises, full tub bath Hot-cold compress on joints (3 times in the ratio of 3:1) Enema and hot foot bath as per requirement 10 minutes Wrap of knees and feet for 45 minutes
Evening: Local steam wrap on knees – 45 minutes apart from these treatments, wet sheet wrap once a week, sun bath, steam bath from time to time and full tub bath can also be given. Sometimes Epsom salt is also used in this treatment. If these treatments are used under the supervision of an experienced naturopath while being admitted to a naturopathy center, then there is a possibility of getting quicker and more benefits.
Diet Therapy
Diet plays an important role in the treatment of arthritis. According to naturopathy, the diet of such patients should be alkaline, that is, their diet should contain adequate amount of seasonal fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and fruit juices. Diet sprout (sprouted moong, moth and fenugreek) is especially beneficial for arthritis patients but they should be eaten after chewing them thoroughly.
Natural Diet
According to the condition of the arthritis patient, he can be given a juice diet for 1 to 3 days followed by a fruit diet for 3 to 5 days. In diet, juice of fresh seasonal fruits and honey water can be taken four times a day and in fruit diet, fresh seasonal fruits can be taken four times a day.
Juice of petha, gourd, carrot and cucumber also benefits arthritis patients. After eating fruits, one should switch to a simple diet which includes rotis made of coarse bran flour, boiled green vegetables and salad in abundance.
The diet table of a normal patient of rheumatoid arthritis can be made as follows:-
6 am: Honey + water or fenugreek water Breakfast
7 am: Diet (sprouted moong + moong + fenugreek) or porridge + vegetable or any one seasonal fruit or fruit juice – one glass Lunch
11 am: Rotis made of flour with coarse bran + boiled green vegetables + salad
3 pm: Vegetable soup or fruit juice – one glass at Lunch
7 pm: Rotis made of flour with coarse bran + Boiled green vegetables + Salad or porridge + Vegetable
10 pm: sleeping
This table can be changed according to the condition and requirement of the patient.
Precautions in treatment
Precautions in medicine Arthritis can be controlled/managed efficiently through naturopathy and yoga. Its most important treatment is to improve the lifestyle of the patient.
There is a change to be made. Change in lifestyle means positive improvements made by the patient in his daily routine, eating habits and lifestyle. Arthritis can be controlled by a balanced and alkaline diet, natural remedies and regular practice of selected Shatkarmas, Yogasanas, Pranayama, meditation, but it is necessary that these should be practiced under the supervision of a doctor for a long time.
Along with treatment, positive mental state is also important, hence such patients should. To stay in open air as much as possible. Be stress-free and do some prayer, rest or meditation as per your devotion. Avoid acidic foods like tea, coffee, gram flour, products made from flour, ice cream, sugar, cold drinks, paan, tobacco, gutka, zarda etc. and use alkaline foods as much as possible.